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Maintenance Request

Thanks for submitting your request. We try our best to prioritize issues as we receive them. Common issues that can be reported are:

  • Furnace filter (please provide the current size that is being used)

  • Fire detector is slow chirping (please provide picture of detector, any lights that are blinking and the approximate frequency)

  • Property damage (please provide pictures)

  • Tenant to tenant disputes, excluding noise, street parking and domestic abuse (please provide names, dates/times and facts)

  • Site Parking (please provide pictures)

Submit any pictures to


If this is a medical emergency or crime in progress, please call 911. Other common issues including street parking, noise, garbage pick up and domestic abuse, please call 311. If this is a property emergency (furnace break down, water burst, house blackout) please contact 403-561-7712.

Submit Your Request
Which days are you available?

Thanks for submitting your request. It has been received. Please know that most requests will be processed within 48 hours of submission.

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